Volunteer Inquiry Volunteer Inquiry First NameLast NameAre you 18 Years of age or older? If you are NOT at least 18 years of age, you are not eligible to volunteer with us. Yes NoIn order to volunteer on your own, you must be 18 years of age or older. Anyone 12 to 17 years old must have their parent/guardian fill out the form AND be present the entire duration of your volunteer assignment.Date of BirthAddressAddressCityStateZip CodeEmailConfirm EmailDate of Event You're Interested in Volunteering atEvent LocationHave you owned reptiles before? Yes NoI understand that I am offering to assist Alamo City Reptile Rescue on a volunteer basis only and will not receive any compensation for my time. YesI will conduct myself in a courteous and professional manner during my volunteer time. YesI will show up on time and stay for the duration of the event as well as any time needed for cleanup, etc. unless previous arrangements have been made. YesI understand that photos may be taken of me at these events and I give my consent for any pictures to be used as deemed fit by the person taking them. YesI will not promote my own personal business or any other company during my volunteer time. YesI will not use the name of Alamo City Reptile Rescue or anyone affiliated with the rescue to request a discount from any vendors or businesses present at the event or on my own time. YesI am aware that working with animals of any type can be unpredictable and although any animals present at these events may be considered "friendly", accidents can occur. These can include but are not limited to scratches, bites, and instances with bodily fluids. I will be fully responsible for any issues that may arise and absolve Alamo City Reptile Rescue, anyone affiliated with it, the venue operators, and any vendors present from any fault. YesI have read all previous statements thoroughly and will follow the guidelines to the best of my ability. YesSubmit Form